Our natural resources rely on us to treat them well. This not only includes wildlife but also the ecosystems they depend on. Supporting natural resource conservation is a multifaceted issue that requires the engagement of individuals, organizations and governments. There are many ways you can support natural resource conservation in North Dakota. Through support and involvement, we can all make a positive impact to conserve our natural resources for future generations.

Find a local chapter or organization that matches your interests and sign up to volunteer. So many entities throughout the state are looking for individuals to help out. Every person makes a difference! By getting involved in local efforts, you not only make a positive impact, but you also connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for conservation.

Support Sustainable Agriculture
You can support sustainable agriculture by purchasing products from farmers who use sustainable practices, or by supporting local community gardens and farmers’ markets.

Stay informed on conservation issues in the state. Every two years the North Dakota legislative assembly meets. During these biennial sessions, write your elected officials and show your support or opposition to bills that impact conservation. Below are some links to help inform you on conservation issues happening in North Dakota.
Bill Tracking & Legislative Recaps
ND Wildlife Federation Legislative Recap
TNC Speak Up: Conservation Policy
ND Game and Fish Bill Tracking
To Contact Your Legislator

Support conservation while receiving a tax break! Donating to ConserveND, the North Dakota Natural Resources Trust Endowment Fund, allows an individual to receive a 40% income tax credit of the contribution amount.

Financial Support
Sometimes finding the time to get involved or volunteer can be difficult. Financial support is another way to make an impact and help sustain conservation efforts in North Dakota. Find a local organization in your area that matches your interests, and their work fits your intentions.