January 16, 2024
NDGLC Annual Conference
Clarion Hotel Convention Center - Minot, ND

Attend the ND Grazing Lands Coalition Annual Conference on January 16 & 17!
Featured talks include:
“Back to the Basics: Healthy Soil, Forage, Livestock, Profits & People”
“Embrace Change: Working Smarter, Not Harder”
“The WHY of More Efficient Grazing”
“Holistic Animal Health”
"The Rotational Grazing Moo-vement: The Impacts of High Intensity, Short Duration Grazing on Grassland Nesting Birds"
“Using Bird Presence to Evaluate a Grassland Restoration Program in North Dakota”
“Making Unconventional Conventional Agriculture Work”
Event information and registration can be found on the NDGLC website.