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November 16, 2018

Nourished by Nature

Gabe and Paul Brown talk about their approach to transitioning land management to a new generation and their holistic practices...

November 13, 2018

Women in Conservation/Ag wraps up an impressive year...

Cayla Bendel from Pheasants Forever Dakota has traveled the state hosting/partnering with area producers and organizations to bring a women-based conversation about ag and conservation impacts in their communities, click through to read the newsletter that summarizes the success!

November 5, 2018

SD and NE Grazing Lands Coalition

Read the latest from our southern neighbors in the South Dakota and Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition October 2018 publication.

October 31, 2018

Precision Ag introduced to southwestern ND

Pheasants Forever Dakota announces the Precision Ag contact for the Precision Ag program, based out of Dickinson, for southwestern ND. Already having seen a fair share of success in the southeast area of the state, they're addressing the need west river...

October 5, 2018

National Wildlife magazine draws attention to the disappearing prairie...

In their November 2018 issue, Jim Brandenburg writes about the alarming rate of the shrinking prairie/wetlands in the prairie pothole region of North Dakota and what's being done to help balance ag with conservation efforts.

October 1, 2018

Pheasants Forever and Precision Ag

Farmers and ranchers are learning more about making their acres more productive through the Precision Ag program. Read about those experiences in an article in the Dakota Farmer...

September 24, 2018

Miller's demonstrate soil health importance...

Ken & Bonnie Miller were selected as the 2017 Leopold Award winners for their management and preservation of grasslands. Read more about the recent tour of their ranch...

August 14, 2018

Women in Ag learning event

Recent article in AgWeek updates us on what the Pheasants Forever Women Caring for the Land class learned about in their gathering by Hatton, ND. Click through to read the full article...

August 9, 2018

Helping the pollinators...

Proof that you don't need a lot to bring pollinator species to your yard. This colorful friend was found on a single milkweed plant growing in a large pot.

August 6, 2018

ND Game & Fish's Doug Howie honored

Doug Howie, Assistant Private Land Coordinator for the ND Game & Fish was honored with an announcement made on July 16th at the WAFWA meeting in Eugene, OR.

Conserve North Dakota and you benefit, too.