The Trust relies on partnerships to do its business. We frequently work with agricultural and conservation interests in both state and federal government and nonprofit groups. Private landowners, the farmers and ranchers on the land, remain our most important partners. Our work is aimed to help them succeed.
The Trust does few, if any, programs or projects alone. Below you will find a list of our partners whose efforts complement ours. You may want to review their web sites, explore their programs more fully, and perhaps communicate with them about ways they might assist you or your organization.
- Audubon Great Plains
- Badlands Conservation Alliance
- Bank of North Dakota
- Dakota Legacy Initiative
- Delta Waterfowl
- Ducks Unlimited
- Farm Services Agency
- Garrison Diversion Conservancy District
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- NDSU Agriculture
- NDSU Extension Service
- ND Association of Soil Conservation Districts
- ND Chapter The Wildlife Society
- ND Corn Growers Association/Corn Council
- ND Consensus Council
- ND Department of Agriculture
- ND Farmers Union
- ND Game and Fish Department
- ND Grain Growers
- ND Grazing Lands Coalition
- ND Soybean Growers Association
- ND Soybean Council
- ND Department of Water Resources
- ND Wildlife Federation
- Northern Great Plains Joint Venture
- Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
- Pheasants Forever
- Prairie Pothole Joint Venture
- State Soil Conservation Committee
- The National Audubon Society
- The National Wildlife Federation
- The Nature Conservancy
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- US Department of Agriculture
- USDA Office Information Locator
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Durum Growers Association